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  3. Tradition Rebuilt Stonemasonry
Tradition Rebuilt Stonemasonry

Tradition Rebuilt Stonemasonry



Stone construction and restoration, Stone & brick conservation, Outback Flying service, Landscaping with stone.
Tradition Rebuilt Stonemasonry was founded in 2003 by Jose Paim Bruges, originally from Angra do Heroismo – Azores. Jose is located in the Adelaide Hills where he continues the craft of stonemasonry.
Tradition Rebuilt started as a small business doing contractual work for builders and small domestic jobs.
Today Tradition Rebuilt is capable of undertaking any major project on the restoration, conservation, and new construction of stone buildings, matching stone extentions and landscaping.
We supply any kind of stone for the restoration of old buildings and have a great range of different stones for new construction projects. All our stones are professionally tested to comply with Australian standards.
Equipped with our own scaffolding, truck , excavator, utes, diamond saws and all plant and equipment needed to perform any kind of stone work, all our employees are white card certified. To extend our capacity to continue the restoration and conservation of old stone buildings Tradition Rebuilt has organised an internal flying service with its own pilots to be able to attend to the needs of our great farming people in the outback of Australia.
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